Hi, My name is Jeleysa and I wanted to comment on the article Unconditional Teaching by. Alfie Kohn. This article really stuck out to me because it mostly talks about how all of these standardized test have replaced many of the fun activities that help students learn. Also, how lack of interest has taken control of the drop out rates of minorities. Mr. Kohn has also noticed that many good teachers are quiting because of they do not feel all the standardized testing is needed and they feel it gets in the way of teaching they are meant to teach not just teach for what student need to know for standardized test. Its sad to make up standards that are to high for young children to try to amount to. I understand its necessary to understand what the child is capable of doing.
I remember when I was younger and being under the pressure of taking ITBS Test every year for Five years and then taking CRCT in middle school and believe me its stressful!!!!!!
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