About Teacher Cadets

  • This blog was created for a student in a high school who is participating in the Teacher Cadet Program.

    The primary goal of the Teacher Cadet Program is to encourage students to consider teaching as a career. A secondary goal is to provide these students insights about teachers and schools so that they will be civic advocates of education.

    This blog was created for the student to share learning, insights, questions, and experiences they gain as they participate in the program. Links to other classroom participants are included.

    The class blog is located at: Teacher Cadets

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You sound very excited about your class. It sound like you are doing some fun things.

How was the breakfast?

I hope you have a rewarding time in the classroom with the children next semester.


By reading your weblog I can tell that you really want to become a teacher.I think you will.Why do you want to be a teacher?


I agree that working with the students can be so much fun. Be prepared to learn as much from them as you are teaching.



I can tell that you really want to be a teacher. I really like younger kids than me too. I hope that you can be a third grade teacher like you wish.


When I read your weblog I could tell you really want to be a teacher.Why do you want to be a teacher so much?


Hey Marisela!
Why do I want to become a techer? Well I love working with younger children and the fact that I can have a great impact on someones life is just very interesting! What do you want to be when you grow up?

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