About Teacher Cadets

  • This blog was created for a student in a high school who is participating in the Teacher Cadet Program.

    The primary goal of the Teacher Cadet Program is to encourage students to consider teaching as a career. A secondary goal is to provide these students insights about teachers and schools so that they will be civic advocates of education.

    This blog was created for the student to share learning, insights, questions, and experiences they gain as they participate in the program. Links to other classroom participants are included.

    The class blog is located at: Teacher Cadets

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It is very nice to learn and have fun at the same time. When you are with the kids, it is good to make learning fun for them too.

I hope you have a very nice time in the classroom next semester!


I was the mother of a son who stuttered. His early teachers were patient and understanding and slowly my son's speech caught up with his thinking.

Thank you for taking on one of the challenges of young students.



My sister has also worked with pre-k and she has told me that they are a lot of fun to be with.My sister also wanted to be some kind of therapist.So you both have two things in common, actually three her name is also Nancy.One of my sister's true dreams is that she wants many without a job to get a great career and be smart and not be laughed.What is your true wish


I also want to be a tharapist of some kind and work with Pre-K too.



I am glad that you are pursuing speech therapy. I think you have a very calm spirit about you that will make you a wonderful speech therapist. The teacher cadet class is a great opportunity to gain experience in working with children. They are wonderful! What made you choose speech therapy? How did you learn about speech therapy as a career?


Hey Mrs. Tincher, thanks for writing to me. To answer your question I learned about speech therapy as a career when I was in the hospital.I was sitting in waiting room and the kid that was sitting across from me couldn't talk very well, and it was very hard to understand him. I had asked my mom why couldn't he talk right and she explained it to me. What really intrested most is when the speech thearapist sat right there in the waiting room and worked with the child and I just sat there and listened to the way she worked with him. Ever since, I was amazed with speech therapy. What also sparked my interest is when I went to spend my 9th grade summer with my sister in West Virgina. She has a 4 year old that is autistic, and he can't speak. I fell in love with him instantly, and at the same time I thought about how great it would be to work with these kind of people. I believe that speech therapy is a wonderful job that impacts a person's life positively.


Hello Graciela, thanks for writing to me. Your question to me was what is my true wish, and to answer that I would have to say, to help as much as people as I can in my lifetime. I think that it is very important to help out the people that are in need of healthcare or anything really. I feel very partial to the people that can't speak or express their ideas to other people. I say that because I can't imagine not being able to tell people what I want or need. I have seen this happen before because my nephew is autistic and when at first I saw him, of course I fell in love with him, but I couldn't understand what he wanted because he couldn't talk. That's is how I was motivated to become intrested in speech therapy.

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