About Teacher Cadets

  • This blog was created for a student in a high school who is participating in the Teacher Cadet Program.

    The primary goal of the Teacher Cadet Program is to encourage students to consider teaching as a career. A secondary goal is to provide these students insights about teachers and schools so that they will be civic advocates of education.

    This blog was created for the student to share learning, insights, questions, and experiences they gain as they participate in the program. Links to other classroom participants are included.

    The class blog is located at: Teacher Cadets

Main | Amazed at 5th grade writers »



I admire you for wanting to be a teacher. The children certainly need someone that cares about them and what they learn.

The young ones are a lot of fun. They can teach us to let go and enjoy life the way they do - not letting the little things of daily life get in the way of happiness.

Enjoy your time in the classromm next semester.


Watching the world through the eyes of children in kindergarten or first grade must be loads of fun. I would imagine you will feel like you just opened a 128 color crayon box. Everyday will be different and fun.

I envy all the great days you have ahead of you.



I want to comment on your observation that teaching young children might be a challenge due to their short attension spans.

I've been teaching for 16 years. In that time I noticed that although a few teachers seem to change grade levels every few years, most teachers find a grade level they really enjoy and stay there. I greatly enjoy working with fourth and fifth graders. When I work with first graders I find myself frustrated by what they cannot due. In contrast, my friend who teaches first grade asks me how I can stand teaching older children. To her they are rude and uncooperative.

I hope you have fun exploring different grade levels and find one that is a good match with your teaching style.


Hey Candy,
I am so sorry it took me so long to respond.We were unaware of how to do so. Thank you for your advice and your input it really means a lot to me. I am so excited about working with the students next semester. We only have one more week of school and when we come back after Christmas Break, off I go. Wish me luck!
Have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


Hi Esta,
I am so sorry it took me so long to respond. I was unaware of how to do that. I thank you for your input. I loved the way you said "I would imagine you will feel like you just opened a 128 color crayon box. Everyday will be different and fun." That made me laugh and think about how true that might be. After we come back from Christmas break I will be at an elementary school working with first grade and I am so excited. Wish me lots of luck!
Happy Holidays!


Hey Susan,
I am so sorry it took me so long to respond. I was unaware of how to do so. Thank you for you input it means a lot to me. It actually made me think if I really am capable of teaching young children, but it's always good to try it and see. When we come back from Christmas break I will be at an local elementary school working with first grade.I am so excited and I will keep you posted on my experience.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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