I was amazed at a some of the writing I read from a local elementary school in Georgia.These kids were only in the 5th grade and they were using better words and bigger words than me. As a junior in high school that made me think that maybe I should step it up as a writer. When I was in elementary school I don't remember learning how to write that good and it kind of made me jealous! I was very impressed with the students and I know whoever is out there reading this right now will be to so if you would like to see for yourself visit this web site htpp://itc.blogs.com/thewriteweblog
Hello! I read your blog. I was very impressed! I know about those bloggers you are talking about. Because i am one of them. Don't give up on writing. Keep your mind on the goal it is set to. If you never give up on becoming a writer then you someday will!
Posted by: Zachary | December 01, 2005 at 07:11 AM
Hi! I am interested in how things are going for you and your new students. Catch up on your blogs so you are not falling behind with this assignment and so I know how things are going. See you soon!
Posted by: Susan Stamps | February 01, 2006 at 11:07 AM
HAy gurl
i just wanted to know how things been. I hope you having fun and tell everybody i said hay.But for the most part i just wanted to know how you enjoying your life of being a teacher
Posted by: shan brown | March 14, 2006 at 11:48 AM