About Teacher Cadets

  • This blog was created for a student in a high school who is participating in the Teacher Cadet Program.

    The primary goal of the Teacher Cadet Program is to encourage students to consider teaching as a career. A secondary goal is to provide these students insights about teachers and schools so that they will be civic advocates of education.

    This blog was created for the student to share learning, insights, questions, and experiences they gain as they participate in the program. Links to other classroom participants are included.

    The class blog is located at: Teacher Cadets

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Tiffany, I agree with your opinion. early children can also learn their social skills from group life as well as from their family. Peers and families give different feelings and attitudes to children. So they can catch diverse people's reaction, which helps develop their social skills. Therefore, if it's possible, young children had better put in daycare system. However, all day long daycare must make young children too tired. So I recommend half-day or around 5 hours care may be better. Tiredness can cause healthy problems.

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March 2006

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